The world I want to live in is a world powered by change. It is a world driven by design thinking, disruption, and... a world of greater simplicity and greater complexity than ever before... We must savor the little moments; allow them to change us. Love our experiments... capture the accidents... [and] eschew the known quantity... let’s not forget our capacity for wonder, gratitude, and ...
Midlife transition
There will be days For telemark turns, Nordic kick glides, And windsurfing jibes... But, the doc says, When stuck at your desk, Clench and unclench Your stomach and butt. Drink lots of water. It’ll make you pee. For to pee, you see, Will make you move. (Source: "Fountain of Fading Youth", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) First, third and fourth stanzas of a lighthearted ...
Laugh Wrinkle
“It’s a crack,” she says. “Not a wrinkle.” “Or both,” I say, gently moving her hand From my face. “Wrinkles are like cracks.” “But how could you crack your face?” “Laughing,” I say. “And smiling.” (Source: "Cracked", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) This was an amusing, real life exchange with one of my nieces that is sandwiched roughly mid-poem. It might be the best part. Perhaps the bread and ...
"You know that you have officially HIT at total midlife crisis when you get acne on your wrinkles." ~ Comic Strip Mama ...
What If?
What if I could overcome debilitating bugaboos and bust forty’s balls? Vanquish the to do list, purge my doughy paunch (literal and figurative), de-quarantine the drafts, indulge my latent doodler, transform the next decade into a parade of firsts and at lasts… What if? (… from Midlife Crisis Averted Postponed. 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) ...