Mid-life crises do not always lead to inappropriate or risky behaviors. For some, it is a time to learn new things, break some bad habits, or broaden their horizons. It can be the impetus to lose weight, start exercising, or finally take those piano lessons you have been talking about doing for years on end. ~ Len Kay (Source: Surviving the Midlife Crisis | Age Smart) Are you curious about a ...
Midlife discovery
Midlife Loneliness
Good morning, midlifers. I have an addition to your reading list that sheds a ray of hopeful light on midlife loneliness — both why it's common, and how to counter it — that I highly recommend whether or not you've personally experienced midlife loneliness. Coincidently Josh Cohen' s "Why is midlife such a lonely time?" appeared in The Guardian yesterday afternoon, about 24 hours after three ...
Midlife Fitness Could Slow Brain Aging
I have some inspiring news to share, midlife companions. Midlife paunch and a finicky g.i. system prompted my re-commitment to personal fitness several years ago, but I've stuck with my improved midlife fitness regimen and far healthier nutritional habits because of the many additional benefits I've experienced. My allergies have dramatically improved, energy levels are up and chronic back pain ...
I've called it munge, the Daily Munge, for two decades, a term I pilfered from an article about archeology and layers of detritus compressed, transformed over time, long-long time. But the article vanished. Or maybe my memory invented it for want of an apt metaphor. Munge. Unverified. And while it’s served me well enough over the handwriting, typing, and dictating days since, I have begun to ...
"If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down." ~ Toni Morrison ...
Embrace Age
"It it pointless to fight or to flee from anything. It is also futile to run after anything." ~ Master Taisen Deshimaru ...