There will be days For telemark turns, Nordic kick glides, And windsurfing jibes... But, the doc says, When stuck at your desk, Clench and unclench Your stomach and butt. Drink lots of water. It’ll make you pee. For to pee, you see, Will make you move. (Source: "Fountain of Fading Youth", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) First, third and fourth stanzas of a lighthearted ...
Winter Cycles
I spied these bicycles on the street in New York City as I walked out of a cooking class. I think it was the class when we learned all about tuna. Or maybe it was the class we learned how to prepare Brussels sprouts coleslaw and wrapped up our meal with salted caramel... It was bitterly cold and a few front runner snowflakes were swirling among the taxis and busses. Winter's cold grip was ...
Brussels Sprouts
As a boy I disliked Brussels sprouts. Or I thought I did. The smell, at least, and the texture when they were boiled. But that changed over the last four decades. An acquired taste? Evolving taste buds? Exposure to new recipes. Raw, shredded Brussels sprout "cole slaw" with freshly squeezed lime juice and olive oil. Or slow roasted after tossing with olive oil, salt and pepper, then served with ...