A garbage truck thunders past, doubling the thirty mile per hour speed limit. Then a slow car. And another. Then quiet except for the crinkle-strain-crinkle-strain of the palm paddles on the ceiling fan above my head. Type. Click, click, click. (Source: "Sound Escape", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) Excerpted from a soundscape poem originally called "Bucolic Study", but probably eventually ...
This images appears in its final version "Historic" in 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed. “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice.” ~ Steve Jobs ...
The world I want to live in is a world powered by change. It is a world driven by design thinking, disruption, and... a world of greater simplicity and greater complexity than ever before... We must savor the little moments; allow them to change us. Love our experiments... capture the accidents... [and] eschew the known quantity... let’s not forget our capacity for wonder, gratitude, and ...
Mobile Midlife
Digital ditties and doodles, dodgy doggerel and detritus muttering of mobile midlife cribbed, clipped, cropped and curated. Curious why's and signs, whines and sighs Collecting in my pocket... (Source: "Mobile Midlife", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) Back to the scene of the crime? Sighs and whines in my pocket?!?! Actually it's something short of crime, I hope. This is another excerpt from ...
Like virtually every other child on this wondrous orb I grew up drawing, doodling, playing and creating without limits. Well, no walls. And no permanent marker. This doodle was inspired by a red cardinal school mascot in my earliest years of school. There was a school-wide contest to design a t-shirt logo with the school mascot. I was in second grade, I think. My angular cardinal didn't make the ...
Crescent Moon
A return to the crescent moon, an image and an idea that I've probed elsewhere, "Cuckold Moon" and Cuernos, for example... I've been fascinated with the shape and mystique of the delicate lunar arc. And I think I first began writing about it right after college. This crescent moon doodle is an absent minded scribble from a meeting or phone call. It's nothing, means nothing. It's just a whimsical ...