This beguiling maiden stands along Canyon Road in Santa Fe. I'll verify the gallery and the sculptor anon, but for now a "doodle bomb" with only a subtle hint of the beauty remaining, cloaked in labyrinthine admiration. Think less of a maze-veil and more of a meditation on her surfaces and contours. That sounds smutty. Sorry. Skip the smut and conjure up slow, contemplative pacing through ...
Body image
The dead heaviest I’d ever, ever been. Paunchy two fifteen. Pounds, not o’clock. Belly fat, jowel fat, Brain fat, will fat. Distorted, plumped, Stalled, and stumped. How did it happen? When did it happen? What, where and how From here? From now! (Source: "Moribundignant", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) ...
"You know that you have officially HIT at total midlife crisis when you get acne on your wrinkles." ~ Comic Strip Mama ...
Lard clings to my jelly belly and assimus maximus, but melts away elsewhere. Bullshit! It doesn’t melt. That’s poet talk, and yesterday’s wine is tomorrow’s vinegar. Melts becomes drips becomes oozes becomes slippery. “Pare away pretty poetry,” I beg my puffed up parody in the mirror. “Stand up straight. Drop the mask. Shed the costumery. Lose the skin of the lion…” If ...
What If?
What if I could overcome debilitating bugaboos and bust forty’s balls? Vanquish the to do list, purge my doughy paunch (literal and figurative), de-quarantine the drafts, indulge my latent doodler, transform the next decade into a parade of firsts and at lasts… What if? (… from Midlife Crisis Averted Postponed. 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) ...