"It it pointless to fight or to flee from anything. It is also futile to run after anything." ~ Master Taisen Deshimaru ...
Maine Coast. Summer. Adrift. Long walks with my bride. Missing nieces. Already. ...
Midlife Crisis Quiz
Crumby title. Again. I mean, quiz?!?! Who's inspired by a quiz? Not me. But Rachel Addine's midlife crisis quiz, "What Kind of Midlife Crisis Will You Have?", which was published on PlayBuzz.com yesterday is actually pretty fun. In a waiting-to-see-the-dentist kind of way. It's basically a pseudo personality quiz masquerading as a digital game. Answer a few questions and discover what sort of ...
Memento Mori by A. D. Hope
I noticed today the loosely wrinkled skin On legs and arms, no defect, no disease But simply signs of time, the body's decrease Of power and of repair as these begin The ultimate indications of old age. ~ A.D. Hope ("Memento Mori" via Australian Poetry Library) I return again to memento mori, not to wax morose or moribund but to remind myself to laugh and dance and take nervous risks and strain ...
Inguinal Hernia
Hospital sounds and smells. My bride and three nurses Surround me, comfort me. Scrubs. Questions. Needles. Surgeon arrives, fly unzipped. It’s too awkward to tell him. He marks the incision spot, Reassures me, and departs. I’m sleepy, drifting, dreamy. Jolly discovery, that bulge below the belly... An inguinal hernia. Likely earned in the saddle of a bike, pedaling upward on mountain roads, ...
"Credo quia absurdum est." Translated, roughly: I believe it because it's absurd... A throwaway. But a throwaway that resonates, right? Seems to me that this oft cited gem might be relevant to another oft cited crutch: the midlife crisis. It's absurd enough to believe, but I'm holding my course. Beware the midlife leap! ...