[pullquote]It will protect you from nothing. It is a tool for falling. For failure. But also for freedom. For living.[/pullquote] I'm not a skateboarder. Never was. Grew up in the country. Too many dirt roads. Too much snow and ice. Too many competing rushes/dangers to lust after for asphalt surfing to offer any real allure. I'm also not a parent. A son, yes. But not a father. So no procreation ...
Explain… that you live in a blur Of hours and days, months and years, and believe It has meaning, despite the occasional fear You are slipping away with nothing completed, nothing To prove you existed. ~ Mark Strand Those dark, contemplative words are excerpted from Mark Strand's poem "The Continuous Life" (The Continuous Life, Knopf, 1991). I include them here to admit they resonate, not every ...
Past Thermostat
On a wall. Adobe wall. Outside. In Santa Fe, New Mexico. Exposed to the elements. Sun. Wind. Dust. Rain. Snow. For a long time. Probably. ...
Cuckold Moon
Broken trees, broken promises, this is my picture of contentment, at home last night, tonight. A spectacular view for all who remember how to laugh. Gents, beware the cuckold moon. ...
"You're not old enough for a midlife crisis," a sixty year old friend quipped last night over dinner. Wine. Loads of pent up laughter. Transitions. Big birthdays. Aging parents. Aging children, nieces, nephews. I'd laughed off his complement, "Beard's good on you." Was he kidding? Second complement in 24 hours. Strange. Five weeks and nary a comment, as if nobody noticed my ...
Color courtesy of nature, craftsmen and looots of use. Black and white courtesy of me. ...