"People aren’t usually coming out to hear you read. They’re coming out to sort of see what you look like, and see whether your voice matches the voice that’s in their head when they read. None of it’s important. It’s icky." ~ David Foster Wallace (Source: Vulture.com) ...
Here's to a happy, healthy Independence Day, American friends! (Plus a much wider wish for independence—real, autonomy striving, responsibility ensured freedom—to creators and explorers and teachers and dreamers all around the world.) At the risk of sounding pedantic, I invite and encourage you to shoehorn a few minutes between the bunting and the barbeque, between the parade and the fireworks, a ...
Thinking of Goodbye
"I think we're all holding our breath and thinking of goodbye... hoping it's gonna turn out ok." ~ David Crosby There's so much beauty and sadness and wisdom and music in this clutter of honest, unselfconscious words shared by David Crosby about singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell. Crosby dated Mitchell in 1967 when he was still performing with the Byrds. The following year he helped line up her ...
I've just returned from my 25th high school reunion. For the mathematically challenged (and I am one), that means that I graduated from high school 9,125 days ago. Approximately. Plenty. It feels like yesterday. Well, it does except for a quarter century's already fuzzy adventures and misadventures that have accrued since executing one of the most clever and ...
Flag Day
Today, June 14, is Flag Day. And this is my flag. Where's yours? I'm probably about to conflate a pair of memories, maybe three? Four? This is my Flag Day recollection. I remember painting an aging wood flagpole, repainting really, with my father as a boy. He had lowered the pole for our chore, removing a long bolt near the base that threaded through three stout, round poles arranged ...
Boom, Boom, Boom
One of the fastest growing markets in sex education today... [is comprised of those who] grew up in the hot '60s and are now confronting their own myths around sexuality, midlife and aging... The over-50, midlife, baby boomer sexual being has arrived. And what they want is support and information around how to expand their sexuality with changing bodies. [Source: Busted! 5 Myths About Sex After ...