Ready. To irrigate. To strike. To be stripped of color and detail and shading and gradation. To discover. The form. The final version of this image appears as "New Growth" in 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed. ...
Midlife Mashup
A garbage truck thunders past, doubling the thirty mile per hour speed limit. Then a slow car. And another. Then quiet except for the crinkle-strain-crinkle-strain of the palm paddles on the ceiling fan above my head. Type. Click, click, click. (Source: "Sound Escape", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) Excerpted from a soundscape poem originally called "Bucolic Study", but probably eventually ...
Headlong toward My emphatic point Pressed earnestly in- To and through type. Pedal to the mettle. Stop. Go. No typo. Race over. Stand up. Straight. Still. Again. (Source: "Italic", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) Movement, motion, emphasis. Willful progress. Eagerness. The lines above come from a compact riff called "Italic". Explaining more would be saying too much about a poem that ...
Mind Over Matter
"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter." ~ Mark Twain I first shared this lighthearted (if somewhat cavalier) quip from Mark Twain just over a year ago titled, Mind Over Matter. It seemed the obvious pull-title at the time, but I've wondered since if I was too glib, as if I were trying to one-up Samuel Clemens. [pullquote]Insurance reductions. Movie ticket ...
ADHD today, but a twitch in 1975. And a twitch again today, but just a small twitch like a miniature heart beating in plain view to remind me I’m alive. I’m alive. I’m alive. (Source: "Twitch", 40x41: Midlife Crisis Postponed) Before ADHD was so tidily packaged up, some of us were just jittery, distracted kids. Hyper. But totally alive! This excerpt pops up midstream a poem about a subtle, ...