Please define gratitude, Siri. The definition of “gratitude” is: a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. Siri? Did you accidentally summon me? From the depths of my heart I want you to know how much I appreciate all that you do for me. Who me? Yes, you. This is about you, not me. No, Siri, this is about you. I’m trying to thank you. I’m just a humble virtual assistant. (Source: "Ode to ...
Midlife Mashup
Railyard Mud Cloth
Well Metaled Door
Armored aperture. Well metaled door. Enduring entrance. Ages old. Ageless. Santa Fe, New Mexico. ...
Patinaed Puss
No declining lion, no evanescing king of the urban jungle, this patinaed puss. Glowering. Oxidizing. ...
I've called it munge, the Daily Munge, for two decades, a term I pilfered from an article about archeology and layers of detritus compressed, transformed over time, long-long time. But the article vanished. Or maybe my memory invented it for want of an apt metaphor. Munge. Unverified. And while it’s served me well enough over the handwriting, typing, and dictating days since, I have begun to ...
Lacrimation. Layers upon layers of tightly wrapped tears. Sliced, sweetened, souped. Caramelized comfort. ...